So much depends on it.
I am quick to point out the absurdity of an elephant's fear of a mouse, less speedy to recognize the same lack of rational in myself.
I am quick to name my trials as such, to claim them as problematic, as tests. Rarer, to call them gifts, though gifts they are entirely.
A prayer of mine recently: "Though being made like you, Jesus, pains me, stay not your hand, stay not your hand."
The thought that the Lord would remove his refiners fire from my life, leaving me to my own depravity is terrifying. As acute as it is to be faced with the mirror image of my sin each day, much more profound is seeing Christ's face staring back at me.
.::...and we all with unveiled faces, beholding the glory of the Lord are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord the Spirit.::.
I am being made like Him.