#7 Bake the Day Away
Though I know it's been a while since we have shared the same bit of cyberspace, my absence marked by various important and momentous events such as the recording of my first e.p., a mental breakdown and my new job at Starbucks, all of which ought to be elaborated upon at a later time my friends. But today! No. Today I am going to be talking about duckies, rubber duckies, rubber ducky cupcakes to be exact!
Tuesday was my day off and I had marvelous plans to drive to Dallas and sample various organic veggies and peruse thrift stores, but of course, Mother Nature had other plans and I was rendered immobile by thunder storms. Though saddened as I was to have not made the trip I had quickly set myself down to recover my day when a thought struck me. Cupcakes! I would spend the my day indoors baking up yummy treats for no particular reason except that I could and I would, and it would be lovely. Is there a better way to spend a rainy day? I think not.
So armed with my umbrella and adorned with comfy sweatpants and slippers I drove to my local Barnes and Nobles to buy a cupcake cookbook. I was thinking my two lone cookbooks, Puerto Rican Cocina and Autumn with the Thornberry's were looking a bit lonely on their shelf and I was lacking inspiration. I drove around the parking lot three or four times trying to find a parking spot because, of course, everyone was at Barnes and Nobles. But finally, I relented and parked so far away that by the time I walked through the doors I was a soggy mess; my rain saturated sweat pants bottoms trailing a yard behind behind me and my eyes glancing from side to side searching for the "Cupcake" sign. Surely a delight that grand had to have it's own section. After trodging through the calenders and Bargain Books I finally found what I was looking for in the isle labeled " Cookbooks," and quickly plopped myself down. Thinking about it now, I can't imagine how ridiculous I looked. There I sat, surrounded by baked good compilations, wet, mascara streaking my normally rosy cheeks, my soaked panted legs streched out in front of me creating a growing puddle. I didn't care. I had hit the Jackpot!
"What's New Cupcake?"
See above.
Not only did the cupcakes in this book looked yummy but they were cute to boot! I had to have it! It didn't take me long to decide that Ruber Duckies was by far the most fitting of the cakes to make since I deemed the current weather suitable only for ducks. I rushed to the checkout, purchased my first ever Cupcake Cookbook and once I had purchased all the ingredients required, I set to making these adorable little duckies.
Step 1) Buy Cupcakes! Okay, to be honest, I could have made the cupcakes but hey! I was strapped for time, as it was already 5 p.m. and I didn't want to be baking till 3 in the morning. Here's a nifty little bit of advice. If you find yourself a little short of the tiempo, no need to panic, simply make your way to your local grocery and pick up some plain cupcakes from their bakery. Just ask the lady or gent behind the displays, they're usually stocked with bulk cupcakes.
Major Step #2) Ice Cupcakes
Major Step# 3) Squish on the donut head
Major Step #4) Ice again
Major Step #5) Freeze
Major Step #6) Melt frosting, die yellow.
Major Step#7) Dip frozen duck into yellow, melted frosting
Major Step #8) kjnffawdjlqndfq
Majwkmd JNQ#435SAEFA
Okay, you get the picture. I'm sure neither you or I want to sit here and read all these steps. If you really want to know how to make them just buy the book! You won't regret it.
I gotta say, though my duckies weren't going to be winning any Cupcake War competitions they were adorable and although they kind of looked liked a kindergartner made them but I'd say it was an admirable attempt by a novice confectionist. These weren't your garden variety cupcakes; these were molded, and mushed and iced within an inch of their lives and they came out nicely.
I crashed on my couch, starving(!) because when I had been drowning in a sea of creative juices and sugar I had forgotten to eat dinner, oops!
But, I felt accomplished. My freezer a wave of yellow waddlings and my kitchen amassed in bits of dried frosting and vanilla cake crumbs I couldn't have been happier.
Good work. Did they taste yummy too?