I apologize ahead of time for apologizing again. I have yet again let a few or more weeks go by since my last update-dge. I'd like to say it won't happen again and that I'll be steadfast and dutiful to my blogging affiliation, I really would! Despite my absence I quite often think about this blog and how I'd like to be writing in it. Does intention count?
Wonderfully, the stage of life I'm in has put me in the midst of a whirlwind of good things, all of which take time and attention and emotional investment at that. You understand how difficult it is to communicate at all when exhausted. Let alone convene your thougths enough to put them down on paper. The sad scribblings in my journal, as of late, can testify to that. You wouldn't know to differentiate the words from the spaces, from the commas, from the doodles. It's just where my brain has been lately.
Some good things:
I auditioned for Glee.
Here's the link
No, I'm not taking this seriously. However! I will say it's been an elephant butt load of fun(the elephant here is to emphasize the immensity of fun. Some butts are just not that big,) not only to do the actual audition, which took numerous takes, but also to see the amount of support I've received. Something like 20,000 gold stars! Thanks guys for voting! I think that's good... though I'm sure in the end, and this is my theory, it'll turn out to be this whole big marketing scheme just to get people to watch Glee and they'll end up casting a professional. They always do. I think I'm the only person who remembered that open casting call they had for Home Alone 3 and how millions of snotty nosed 8-12 year olds swarmed to malls for a chance at cinematic glory. I actually thought Home Alone 3 was a riot. All that...just to hire a kid who was with a talent agency and had a resume. Like I said, marketing scheme...might I say, a genius one.
I had a photo shoot
As some of you might know! I like to dabble in the arts of singing and songwriting. A little more than dabble really. I remember a conversation with an olde, seasoned,famous ragtime musician and I remember him saying, " Honey, you know you're a career muscian when you can't help but do it. That's how you know." I remember being quite impacted by those words and the more I grow as a musician the more I realize how right he was. I truly can't help but do it. It's in my blood and how I was created *Psalm 13.* So I'm recording my ep this July and the photo shoot(s) for the album and website happened a few days ago. Honestly. So much fun! Know for sure that I'll post a link to the website once it launches in August. You'll be able to find it on itunes after September 14th( my launch date.) My muse is an olde, cruiser bicycle. Cannot WAIT for what is in store in the next few months.
Wedding(s) Glore!
Tis the season to be married! Fa la la la la, la la la la. Honestly, I have four this summer...maybe five. I'm not entirely sure if I'm invited to that one. I've sang in one and am in another( my bff Elaine is getting married!). The othes are fairly low key though there is still traveling to be had, gifts to be bought and bridal showers to attend. The way I've viewed weddings has changed over the years, at first with mild disdain for the amount of time required for me to sit still, then with weepy longing as a teeenager wondering mournfully if my time would ever come! Now, I like them! They're beautiful and I'm so into the late night dance parties. I like weddings...for the most part. All but the bouquet toss. I find myself finding an excuse to run to the bathroom whenever that dreadful occurrence happens. Why you might ask? Well! I don't know about you, but if you're single, weddings have a knack of reminding you of your single-hood about every .2 seconds. It gets even worse when most of your friends are also married and feel the compulsion to set you up with people, at the weddings, as to not make you feel as exposed, and to somehow commiserate in the sometimes awkwardness of this friend's existence in the midst of couplings. Another slightly uncomfortable occurrence is what happens to guys at weddings. Those of the male sex, who are normally footless, fancy free not wanting to be tied down kind of men outside of a marital celebration, once taken to a wedding suddenly seem to realize their impending biological clock. "Wow, this marriage thing is sorta Awesome! I want to get married!" Enter the bouquet toss... and every man, now with a heightened awareness of their single hood starts looking at the single ladies and wondering, " Ooo, is she wife material??" Nuhuh, don't act like you don't know what I'm taking about men. I know, because I do it too...that is exactly why I run to the restroom.
There really is so much more... but I gotta go. Check ya laters!
Hey I found your blog on 20sb.net. I loved reading your past posts! You sound so incredibly busy and important haha but wow- you have got so much going on! Can't wait to read about how everything works out! Keep up with the great posts!
Thank you Dee!! Ha Busy and important. :) Busy yes, important...? Well, maybe to my Lord. lol but again, thank you.