Now this might seem like quite the pretentious undertaking to take on a movie that claims to be the: "Number one movie in the world!" But I've never been one to be easily intimidated, so this is no biggie.
A few nights ago I sat in my comfy pleather cinema seat, munching on over-buttered popcorn and dreaming up visions of epic grandeur as per perscribed in the bombastic previews I had veiwed over the last couple of months. Chalk it up to grandiose expectations or bad movie munchies but the movie really wasn't all that great. It was nothing more than a fancied up introduction to the original and well-loved story that we're all familiar with: Prince John is a cad is ticked off with Robin Hood, kidnaps maid Miriam, exploits the already sketchy and morally grey Sherriff of Nottingham, Prince John challenges Robin Hood to a duel of the archery sort and Robin wins, etc.. etc... Well, you might be shocked to know that none of these events, omitting the Prince John is a cad part, are run over in this film. It all is really an introduction, a pre-quel if you will...a two and a half hour pre-quel.
The whole time I was wanting the movie to just get on with it! Sure the parts where Robin puts together his and of merry men are sorta neat. Little John is portrayed by that brutish slash smarmy, in my opinon ,bad guy from Lost(Martin Keamy.) That was weird. Maid Miriam was sassy, contrary, predictable. Sadly, it was exactly that: the predictability of this movie that really killed it for me. Which was odd, considering I knew nothing of this "back story" in the first place!
Also- funnily- is that a word? While I was watching the movie, maybe in an attempt to entertain myself from the drudgery of the Number one Movie in the World! I kept thinking back upon Disney's rendition of the story, you know, the one where the characters are portrayed by fuzzy woodling creatures? Well I guess not all of them, some were elephants. Yup, that movie was better.
Positives? The Movie was pretty looking.
But don't take my word for it, see it for yourself and be deeply disapointed.
guh so not cool
ReplyDeleteWow...really appreciate the heads up!